Mime School

Mime Schools and Classes Around The World

Anyone who wishes to learn the art of mime, as a professional career or a hobby, should consider going to one of the many wonderful mime schools – institutions that train students to become mime performers and mime teachers.

The art of mime is a form of theatre which is based on a performer’s command of movement and the use of space. Mime performers are often not only performers but also choreographers and designers of their own work. There are various key elements to a mime performance – whether it is an abstract mime (that focuses on provoking thought about a particular subject by expressing certain feelings or emotions), or a literal mime (who tells a story with a plot and characters, often in funny situations intended to elicit laughter from the audience) – and much to learn.

Within the work, the mime artist is free to use anything from text to music, sets, light, and props. Mime performances can vary from abstract movement compositions to narrative drama, and some might expand the curriculum to Physical Theatre.

In the list below, we have listed mime schools from all around the world. We try to keep it updated at all times, and appreciate input from you, the readers.

Mime School Students
Mime School Students

Mime Schools

Here is an updated list of mime schools across the world. The list is being updated on a regular base, so if you see any mistake or a listing that needs updating, please write us in the comments below.

Mime Schools in Argentina

ESCUELA DE MIMOTEATRO DE BERNAL – 3-year study including Mime (Decroux-based), Dance, Capoeira, Fencing, Mask, Juggling, Clown and Corporeal Training.

Escuela Argentina de Mimo – School of mime and theater of the body, founded 55 years ago by its director Ángel Elizondo, uses techniques learned with Étienne Decroux and Jacques Lecoq.

Mime Schools in Belgium

DE ANTWERPSE MIME STUDIO (ANTWERP MIME STUDIO) – Analytic, dynamic, psycho-technical, and improvisational training, including Corporeal Mime (Decroux technique), Growtowski, Stanislawski, and other physical acting skills. Offers a 3/4-year program (October-June), with part-time day classes or weekly evening classes.

Mime Schools in Canada

L’ÉCOLE DE MIME – For more than four decades, the school has been providing theatre education that emphasizes and celebrates the appropriation of the self and the imagination. Through an innovative curriculum rooted in objective theory and disciplined training, students are introduced to a wide range of aesthetic possibilities. Professional and amateur mimes, puppeteers, actors, dancers, circus artists, singers, and variety performers join together with practitioners, teachers, and theoreticians to study a productive artistic language that rigorously excludes anything not directly related to the performer on stage.

Tooba Physical Theatre Centre – Core training includes Corporeal Mime and Grotowski-based physical acting technique, Voice, Acro-theatre, and Gyro-kinesis.  Also offers a variety of additional physical theatre disciplines.

Mime Schools in England

DESMOND JONES MIME AND PHYSICAL THEATRE – Short courses including work in modern and classical mime.

THEATRE DE L’ANGE FOU INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF CORPOREAL MIME – Formerly École de Mime Corporel Dramatique, Training in Etienne Decroux’s Corporeal Mime. Was relocated to the US.

Mime Schools in France

ACTORS TRAINING BASED ON MIME – Year-round Corporeal Mime training at all levels, Mime Notation based on Laban Kinetography.

ÉCOLE INTERNATIONALE DE MIME CORPOREL DRAMATIQUEYear-round classes in Corporeal Mime (Decroux technique). Technique and creation.

MAXIMILIEN DECROUX – a mime based in Paris, France.

EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL THEATRE Two-year program. Instruction in classical and contemporary mime, as well as complementary dance and physical theatre disciplines. Admission is allowed at any time of year.

HIPPOCAMPE – MIME CORPORAL / THE SEAHORSE PROJECTMovement studies based on Etienne Decroux’s Corporeal Mime technique. Runs from October to June each year, but students can join for a portion of the program.

Mime Schools in Germany

MIMECENTER KÖLNMain focus of training is Corporeal Mime (Decroux technique), with other subjects in Marceau mime technique, ballet/dance, mask, bodywork, clown, stage combat. Programs range from a three-year diploma program to short-term courses and workshops.

The Atelier des Mimes Berlin – Training in Etienne Decroux’s Dramatic Corporeal Mime, including technique, repertoire, composition, and improvisation. Offers long-term courses and weekly classes.

Mime Schools in India

Mime India – Offers training in Mukabhinaya (an Indian pantomime form developed by IMT). Programs range from six months to three years.  Also offers workshops.

MIME ACADEMY – Offers a year-long diploma course in mime.

Mime Schools in Italy

SCUOLA DI MIMO CORPOREO (SCHOOL OF CORPOREAL MIME) – Etienne Decroux’s Corporeal Mime is the central basis of the training method that also incorporates Lecoq and Feldenkrais pedagogies. Beginner/Advanced courses run from October to June. Another physical theatre training is also offered.

Mime Schools in Japan

SISTER HIROMI MIME WORKSHOPS AND TOKYO MIME COLLEGE – Workshops and weekly classes. Takao Namiki pantomime theory, Etienne Decroux technique, incorporating yoga, Qigong, ballet, body training.

Mime Schools in Poland

STUDIO MIMÓW Ongoing classes and workshops (Website in Polish and English).

Mime Schools in Spain

MOVEO – CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN Y CREACIÓN – Full-time training, evening classes, workshops in Physical Theatre and Corporeal Mime (Etienne Decroux Technique).

Mime Schools in United States

LORIN ERIC SALM – Mime and Movement Coach for film, TV, stage, animation, and digital media (motion capture/performance capture / CGI).

THE AMERICAN MIME THEATRE -Year-round weekly classes (vacation period in August). Designed to produce professional proficiency in all areas of American Mime training: Performing, Playwriting, Directing, Designing, Administration, and Teaching.


DELL’ARTE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL THEATER – Corporeal Mime, Commedia, Mask, Movement Theatre, Physical Theatre, etc.

ANNA DRESDONa six-week workshop in Los Angeles that includes expert instruction in strong movement, immediate impact, precise gesture, clear image, and commanding presence.

THE GOLDSTON STUDIO FOR MIME & PHYSICAL COMEDY (New York) Monthly Sessions and Private Coaching.

MIME THEATRE STUDIO (Los Angeles)- Public mime theatre workshops year-round, weekly classes, private workshops for groups, private coaching, coaching, and consulting for theatre, film, television, animation, and digital media (performance capture/motion capture / CGI).

PANTOMIME STUDIOSOngoing classes in pantomime techniques and movement in acting for stage and screen.

DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE & DANCE – Classes in Corporeal Mime.

THE RIVEST SCHOOL OF MIME THEATER – Training for performers and educators. Year-round small group & private classes; coaching and directing for beginners through professional artists.

mime class
Mime Class

Styles of Mime

There are three basic styles in the two types of mime: Oriental, Italian, and French. Choosing a school or mime class should take into consideration the style of performance it teaches.

The oriental style of mime is something that today will be on the border of “not being a mime at all”. It is very elaborate and includes the use of wigs, detailed makeup, props, and music. Usually, it involves the portrayal of characters familiar to the audience and may include exciting gymnastic movements.

The Italian school doesn’t require the use of elaborate makeup or props, but it is recognizable from its big, broad style and the use of BIG facial expressions, and gestures that are not so much realistic as exaggerated. The slapstick humor of Charlie Chaplin and Sid Caesar and the sketches of clown Emmett Kelly are examples of the Italian style.

French mime is the youngest of the three and the most likely to use both abstract and literal forms. Through the influence of such greats as Jean-Louis Barrault and Marcel Marceau, French mime developed into exciting art. Costumes and makeup became simple, often white facial makeup and black or white clothing. The French style attempts to mimic human gestures realistically. This requires a delicate balance, strict concentration, and much study. Early French mime was characterized by being somewhat grim and then evolved into movement theater where the emotion of all types is important and the plotless so.

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